Oracle Database 11g:New Features for Administrators
Lutz Hartmann ile 22-26 Ekim tarihlerinde İstanbul’da!
Lutx Hartman seminerinden sonra kitapları , dökümanları ve test database imi açıp yeni özellikleri test ettim. Hafızada kalacak şekilde özetledim. Brain mapping metodunu bu özellikleri çıkarırken uygulamadım. İlk MIND MAPPING denemem ve Oracle Database 11g new features.
Umarım işinize yarar.
- Flashback logs in FRA
- Comfigure compression Algorithm (10g BZIP2- 11G ZLIB compression kullanılıyor ve %40 compress ratio daha yüksek)
- Uncomitted undo data backed up at 11g.
- DRA Data Recovery Advisor properties added.
- Virtual Private Catalog provide (merge/move/inport) one db to another
- list failure, error number detail, advise failure, repair failure, preview, validate database
- create virtual catalog
- Duplicate command for rman backups
- pl/sql_code_type=native
- subtype PLS_INTEGER> SIMPLE INTEGER { always }
- Result Cache(sql and PL/SQL SGA)
- trigger fire order
- compound trigger (before statement & after statement & before row & after row ) => all in one
- sequence nextwal without select
- Adaptive cursors
- Binary XML
- Digital Imaging and Communication
- 3D spatial Support
- RFID data types
4.Sql* Plus
- Sql*plus can show BLOB/ BFILE
- Columns in select query
- SPERRORLOG ->Default
- tables can have virtual columns and indexes and partitioning unit
- online index rebuild
- mark table readonly
- restore point
- Pivot and unpivot and output text ort XML
- blocks will be compressed not the rows.
- 11g Support Insert, Update and Delete Operations IO only bulk data
- Advanced compression allow 2-3x compression structured and unstructured data
- individual partitions
- Dbms_comparison. Recheck
- Dbms_comparison. Compare
- Dbms_comparison. Converge{local_wins/ remote_wins}
- Dbms_comparison. Purge
- Support rolling upgrade maintain version compability at diskgroup level
- dg_name set attribute rdbms
- dg_name set attribute ASM
- Automatic block detection
- Allocation unit size
- ASM_ROLE "/as sysasm" and $asmcmd -a sysasm
- Asm_preferred_read_failure_groups
- Faster mirror resync
- drop diskgroup forcefully
- mount diskgroup restricted rebalance faster
- cp /md backup / md restore /lsdisk /remap / repair
- data option
- encryption_algorithm_mode
- remap_data
- reuse_dump_files
- transportable
- both(metadata+data can be compressed)
- Encryption
- Data option
- partition option
- re-map data
- re-map table
- transportable
- Partititon options
- Uncompressed automatically
- masking function
- RAT Database Replay Tool can used for standby / test / development enviroments
- capture production workload replay on different host
- files to directory capturing
- Olap Based materialized views for fast OLAP CUBE
- Cube Organized Mview supports
- Automatic query rewrite and automatic refresh
- SQL Result Cache
- Storing in SGA
- Active standby database ( read+ recovery mode)
- Snapshot Standby Database ( Physical Standby Database could be converted temporary snapshot standby mode for reading adn writing )
- XML and CLOB data types as well as transparent daata encryption
- redo tranport compression enabled for sending transaction data to standby
- net_timeout ( default 30 minustes- if production database doesnt respond in time , you could define optional net_timeout parameter for which determines the maximum amount of time that the reconnection will take )
- memory_target
- memory_max_target
- v$memory dynamic components
- $ORACLE_BASE/trace ->logfile
- $ORACLE_BASE/alert ->XML(10mb)
- ADR command line / $ADRCI /show alert
- enable_ddl_logging=TRUE ->alertl.og
- pfile & spfile create memory
- FLASHBACK_DATA_ARCHIVE->not undotablespace can be defined at any undo tablespace
- FBDA new features
- DB_USERS_WITH_DEF_PWD ( its security issue )
- audit_trail =>default value=DB(not null)
- LOG_MINER-> You could use logminer via enterprise manager it my favorite tool and also very benefit.
- Dependency tracking
- SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON You could set database users password case sensitive from Oracle 11g. You must just set the parameter TRUE and its default also true.
- Tablespace level encryption TDE
- Master Key protection
- Encrypted backups
- Strong password
- Datavault multi DB controls
- sec_return_server_release_banner
- sec_protocol_error_further_action
- trace_action
- sec_max_failed_login_attemps( connection will be automatically dropped by server process after (default=10 seconds)
- sec_disable_older_oracle_rpcs
- Sql execution plan changes and performance regression
- dbms_sqlpa package
Wikipedia ->Zihin haritası, (ing. Mindmapping)kelimeleri ve düşünceleri birbirine bağlamak ve bunları bir anahtar kelime veya düşünce etrafında toplamak için kullanılan bir diyagramdır.
1960’lı yılların sonlarında Tony Buzan tarafından geliştirilmiş olan etkili bir grafik destekli çalışma tekniğidir.
Düşünceleri oluşturmak, görselleştirmek, tasarlamak ve sınıflandırmak ile birlikte, eğitim alanında, organizasyonda, problem çözümünde ve karar alma süreçlerinde kullanılır. Bilgiler arasındaki anlamsal ya da diğer bağlantıları gösteren ortası resimli bir diyagramdır. Genellikle, diyagramlar, resimler, sözcükler ve çizgiler içerir.
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